• Species Ecosite Affinity Mapping

    Predicted species ecosite affinity in NB mapped at 20m resolution Learn more

  • Acadian Forest Productivity Index

    Forest productivity predictions at 20m resolution Learn more

  • FORUS Studio

    A collection of powerful modelling and analysis tools for: LIDAR-derived enhanced forest inventory compilation; management of thousands of stand growth simulations; tree-level product volume and stand yield forecasting; spruce budworm impact analysis; and forest and wood product carbon accounting.

  • Spruce Budworm Planning

    Quantify harvest impacts caused by spruce budworm outbreaks, determine where and when to protect foliage and salvage, and optimize spatial blocking of aerial operations.

    Learn more
  • Develop Stand Models

    Open Stand Model is a 'next generation' tree list modelling platform for stand model developers. This is a collaborative open source project between FORUS Research and a number of public and private organizations in eastern North America.

FORUS Research

FORUS Research provides a diversity of software and consulting services to public organizations and forest product companies for stand growth and management modelling. Where possible, software links with and leverages other mainstream forest planning software to provide integrated solutions.